Weight Loss in Kennewick & Pasco, WA

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Don’t Accept Stuck:
Experience Ease Losing Weight™

You’re so much more than a number on the scale. At Sculpt Wellness, we see the best of you.

Our team is all in for your success. Picture yourself with our certified trainers, wellness coaches, and our functional nurse practitioner cheering you on with personalized support. High fives? You bet. Support and motivation? Always.

Your journey is about seizing control of your health, feeling amazing in your skin, and embracing every day with confidence. 

Ready to silence that self-doubt and celebrate every victory, big or small? Welcome to the Sculpt Wellness family. Together, let’s craft a healthier, happier you.

Beyond the Scale:
Measuring Real Results

Step away from the scale! The scale shows just one number, not the whole picture. 

We use the Fit3D body scanner to track your progress in a whole new way. Fit3D can measure your body composition, giving you a clearer picture of muscle mass, fat percentage, and overall progress. 

We’re all about celebrating those non-scale victories—like improved energy, strength, and confidence.

Do Not Accept Stuck:
Are Diet & Exercise Alone Failing You? We Can Help

Ditch the fad diets, unrealistic diets, and painful exercise programs. Let’s create a weight loss plan that actually works for YOU.

We know what it feels like to work hard and still feel like you’re stuck. You don’t need to be perfect to see success. 

At Sculpt Wellness, we’re not a one-size-fits-all program. We take a deep dive into YOUR body’s hormones, YOUR body’s own reasons you’ve been stuck, and discover why your body has been working against you. 

Here’s how we sculpt a program that’s uniquely you.

We can help you experience ease losing weight. Our weight loss program features semaglutide injections (GLP-1 peptide) and premium wellness services like cryotherapy and infrared therapy. You’ll have one-on-one coaching sessions with a trained weight loss practitioner every 4 weeks.

We can also track your progress with Fit3D body composition scans—so you can see your progress in inches instead of the numbers on a scale.

For an extra boost, we offer LipoPlus metabolic support vitamin injections to help facilitate fat breakdown, increase metabolism, suppress appetite, and even improve your sleep.

You’ve got a powerhouse ally in your corner! Meet Rhonda Bonilla, our functional nurse practitioner, and your secret weapon to success. With Rhonda and our team by your side, every step—big or small—becomes measurable and manageable.

Got concerns about your motivation endurance? Are you struggling to flip the script on a history of rebounds? Rhonda and our team are here to listen and help you rewrite your story.

Step into the world of invigorating cold. Cryotherapy can help boost caloric burn, reduce cellulite, and tighten loose skin. 

With Cryo T-Shock, we can target areas like your stomach, underarms, bra line, and inner or outer thighs to help slim and tone. This non-surgical alternative to liposuction can deliver safe, controlled thermal shocks to zap fat cells away–without harming the skin.

Imagine lounging comfortably while LED light therapy helps break down fat cells and tighten your skin exactly where you want. With LED sculpting lights, it’s all about choice and precision.

And the best part? LED light therapy is safe for all skin types and tones. It harnesses both blue and red light, but steers clear of harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays, making it a potentially safer option for frequent use.

Give your lymphatic system a helping hand. Vibration therapy can help reduce fluid retention and improve circulation, leaving you feeling lighter and more energized.

Vibration therapy can offer various whole-body benefits, including: 

  • Boosting metabolism
  • Improving circulation
  • Reducing joint & back pain
  • Increasing muscle mass 
  • Increasing bone density
  • Alleviating stress

Stress Less, Lose More

Stress can mess with more than your mood; it can also wreak havoc on your weight loss goals. Stress-related symptoms can add obstacles to positive change, from nagging aches and sleepless nights to anxiety and wheezing breaths.

That’s why we also offer multiple wellness services to help with stress management. Cryotherapy, for example, can help freeze fat cells to slim your figure and trigger a flood of endorphins (the “happiness hormone”).

We can help you stay focused on your big-picture goals.

Before/After Gallery

Stop Counting Calories:
Start Living Fully

Let’s face it: counting calories is a chore—and for some, it can harm their approach to crafting a healthier lifestyle. 

Life’s meant for living, not for counting calories. That’s where we come in. Our team is ready to craft a weight loss plan that fits your lifestyle, not disrupt it.

We believe in enjoying your wine. If your body’s craving relaxation, cozy up on the couch and savor that scrumptious meal without an ounce of guilt. And with flexible financing, it’s simpler than ever to treat yourself to care.

Ready to kickstart your journey to success? Get started today to experience ease losing weight.

We Get How You’re Feeling: Let Us Help

We Get How You’re Feeling: Let Us Help

Diets Are Restrictive, Not Constructive

My brain feels like mush lately. Even when I get enough sleep, I’m still dragging. I used to be so sharp, but it’s like I’m thinking in slow motion. I can’t seem to focus.

I’ve Tried Everything, But Still No Pain Relief

I’m feeling the pressure to “age gracefully” sometimes. They say I look great for my age, but I just want to feel like I look great.

Working Hard, But I’d Hit a Wall

I feel trapped between extreme dieting and actually enjoying my life. I’m overwhelmed by all the “eat this, not that” stuff. I just want to find a healthy way to feel great and look great. But it’s hard to know what’s actually healthy and sustainable.

I Used to Be Sharp, Now It’s All Brain Fog

It’s exhausting. The pain is like a constant shadow. It never fully goes away, and it makes it hard to focus on anything else. I’ve tried everything. I just want to feel normal again.

Why Limit Myself to “Looking Great for Your Age?

I’ve been hitting the gym hard, but my progress seems stuck. I’m feeling frustrated that my goals are out of reach. I need more than more reps.


Meet Our Functional Nurse Practitioner

Rhonda Bonilla is a nationally certified Nurse Practitioner with over 30 years of combined experience in dermatology, functional wellness, immunology, trauma, and primary care. 

If you’re feeling unheard and frustrated after countless traditional doctor visits, Rhonda is here to help. She’ll help you look at your body, its hormones, and the equilibrium across multiple factors. Rhonda has helped diverse clients struggling with:

  • Weight gain
  • Skin changes
  • Poor sleep & fatigue
  • Slow metabolism
  • Anxiety & brain fog
  • Low sex drive


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