With time-starved schedules and endless responsibilities, too often our health takes a back seat to working at a fever pitch to meet the obligations of our ever-demanding jobs and tending to loved ones and their needs.
Self-care is all too often pushed back on our daily agenda, far behind meeting the flurry of demands of work and home. For many of us, we may only have time to notice our fine lines, wrinkles, and cellulite that are etched on our skin while we race through appointments and activities in the course of the day.
If only there was a way to effectively address signs of aging and reduce cellulite that didn’t require upending our lives or spending huge amounts of money.
Now there is!
What is Cryo T-Shock Therapy?

In order to stay in our best shape and preserve a youthful complexion, many of us are looking to cutting-edge beauty and wellness technology. Enter Cryo T-Shock Therapy. Cryo T-Shock Therapy is the most innovative and versatile anti-aging device available on the market.
This device alternates warm and cold at varying times, temperatures, and sequences to deliver the desired effect on your body. The Cryo T-Shock provides a non-invasive and painless approach to reducing fat. This simple yet effective treatment uses innovative thermal technology safely to destroy fat cells, delivering impressive and long-lasting results.
How Does Cryo T-Shock Therapy Work?
Cryo T-Shock utilizes the technology of the Peltier cell by safely and quickly generating heat or cold. Each session begins with a warming phase followed by rapid cooling. This combined effect actually “shocks” the cells which have a far more powerful effect on the results versus using only warm or cold.
Temperatures are pleasant and non-painful. Skin and fatty tissue are subjected to triple thermal shock (heat-cold-heat) or (cold-heat-cold), which optimizes results.
Step One: Fat cells are very sensitive to heat and cold, and the variation in temperature allows for a faster, more efficient elimination of them.
Step Two: The synergy of the thermal shock leads to the destruction of fat cells. The adipocytes cannot survive and some are eliminated during the session. The rest is flushed away through the lymphatic system.
Step Three: This technique leads to a reduction of fat mass in the target area. Repeated treatments over the prescribed time period will remove the upper layers of fat.
5 Benefits of Cryo T-Shock Therapy

Reduction of Cellulite
One benefit of T-Shock Therapy is a procedure that uses thermal shock that impacts the causes of cellulite that includes protrusion of fat into the lower dermis. Using mechanical energy and micro-massage, thermal shock rids the body of excess liquids through lymphatic drainage that brings about tangible results that includes a smoother skin surface.
In one study comprised of 43 women, 30 women who participated in the study experienced a reduction in cellulite of the gluteus via thermal shock treatment during eight sessions.
Reduction of Fat Cells
Simply by applying heat to relax fat cells through vasodilation and then administering a lengthy period of cold, your fat cells will die and drain through the lymphatic system.
In a study that included 68 women, as many as 50 of these women had “very good” results with a reduction in excess fat on the abdomen. That happened as a result of Fat Loss Thermal Shock.
Cryo T-Shock Slim™ at Sculpt Tri-Cities safely and effectively uses thermal shock to target and naturally destroy fat cells without any damage occurring to beneficial cells. The Cryo T-Shock breaks down fat cells, which your body naturally flushes out through the lymphatic system in days to weeks following the treatment. This is a safe, painless, non-surgical alternative to liposuction and traditional technologies.
Promotes Toned and Tightened Skin
Thermal Shock also improves skin elasticity because of substantially increased micro circulation, which is prompted by the application of hot and cold procedures. This treatment is ideal for restoring loose, aging skin. Thermal Shock promotes a more toned and tightened appearance.
Brings About Youthful Facial Appearance
Thermal Shock, when it is used around the face and neck, stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen smooths out facial lines and wrinkles, while also reducing puffiness around the eyes.
The process involves dead cells being released from the body as healthy skin cells activate, which brings about a more youthful appearance. The results are easy to see with anti-aging facials that use Thermal Shock, which can also tighten loose skin and revitalize elastin-depleted skin.
Hastens Injury Recovery and Pain Relief
In a very short amount of time – usually a few minutes – Thermal Shock has been proven to stimulate the natural process of pain reduction and activate anti-inflammatory processes.
One case study with 98 patients who had muscle and tendon disorders concluded with
72.5 percent reporting a complete reduction in pain and improved movement capability, with
100 percent of participants reporting a positive attitude toward treatment.
Look to Sculpt Tri-Cities as Your Local Source for Cryo T-Shock Therapy Treatment
Stop feeling stuck with how you look and feel. It’s time to spark the change you need to fuel long-lasting results. As a Sculpt client, you’ll gain access to the tools and expert advice you need to feel confident again.
At Sculpt Tri-Cities, we are the experts in health and wellness. Our employees care about your well-being.
That is why Sculpt Tri-Cities offers Cryo T-Shock Therapy products that we believe could positively transform your appearance.
Cryo T-Shock Slim™
Cryo T-Shock Slim safely and effectively uses thermal shock to target and naturally destroy fat cells without any damage to beneficial cells. The Cryo T-Shock breaks down fat cells, which your body naturally flushes out through the lymphatic system in days to weeks following the treatment. It is a safe, painless, non-surgical alternative to liposuction and traditional technologies.
Cryo T-Shock Tone™
Cryo T-Shock Tone helps reduce the appearance of crepey and loose skin, cellulite, fine lines, and wrinkles by stimulating collagen and elastin production while tightening muscles.
Sculpt Tri-Cities was the first to bring this technology to our area –AND nationally! We have thousands of hours of experience and proven results. We use licensed aestheticians who are sent through advanced T-Shock training.
Can’t wait any longer for your Cryo T-Shock Treatment?
Book your Cryo T-Shock Therapy consultation today at Sculpt Tri-Cities to start your effective and painless fat reduction technique.