Niki Beck has been with Sculpt since 2017—she’s one of the OGs! Niki is the Lead Wellness Tech, and she believes she has the best job in the world. 

Her passion is helping clients achieve their goals, whether it be for weight loss, pain relief, increasing energy, or anything in between. Let her be your coach and cheerleader.

Her diverse background includes working in a gift store when espresso machines first came out, managing a call center of over 200 employees for a major bank, sales for the Better Business Bureau, and her role as an account manager for a pharmaceutical company in the allergy department. 

Niki has an Associate Arts Degree in which her studies were geared towards nursing. She’s enrolled in the Transformation Academy, taking courses to become a Certified Master Life Coach. She’s pursuing additional schooling to become a Licensed Medical Assistant.

Niki’s favorite treatment is our LED Body Sculpting Lights. Although Sculpt has acquired many other treatments and technologies, LED Body Sculpting Lights (our first treatment!) remains a favorite of many, including Niki. The treatment is a great way to destress and unplug, while also helping to target fat cells, which can reduce inches from your body. It also can assist with skin tightening and toning a targeted area–bonus!

She shares her life with her amazing husband, 4 children, and 4 grandchildren. Together, they enjoy camping, concerts, WSU football games, and spending time with their family and friends.

We Get How You’re Feeling: Let Us Help

We Get How You’re Feeling: Let Us Help

Diets Are Restrictive, Not Constructive

My brain feels like mush lately. Even when I get enough sleep, I’m still dragging. I used to be so sharp, but it’s like I’m thinking in slow motion. I can’t seem to focus.

I’ve Tried Everything, But Still No Pain Relief

I’m feeling the pressure to “age gracefully” sometimes. They say I look great for my age, but I just want to feel like I look great.

Working Hard, But I’d Hit a Wall

I feel trapped between extreme dieting and actually enjoying my life. I’m overwhelmed by all the “eat this, not that” stuff. I just want to find a healthy way to feel great and look great. But it’s hard to know what’s actually healthy and sustainable.

I Used to Be Sharp, Now It’s All Brain Fog

It’s exhausting. The pain is like a constant shadow. It never fully goes away, and it makes it hard to focus on anything else. I’ve tried everything. I just want to feel normal again.

Why Limit Myself to “Looking Great for Your Age?

I’ve been hitting the gym hard, but my progress seems stuck. I’m feeling frustrated that my goals are out of reach. I need more than more reps.


Meet Our Functional Nurse Practitioner

Rhonda Bonilla is a nationally certified Nurse Practitioner with over 30 years of combined experience in dermatology, functional wellness, immunology, trauma, and primary care. 

If you’re feeling unheard and frustrated after countless traditional doctor visits, Rhonda is here to help. She’ll help you look at your body, its hormones, and the equilibrium across multiple factors. Rhonda has helped diverse clients struggling with:

  • Weight gain
  • Skin changes
  • Poor sleep & fatigue
  • Slow metabolism
  • Anxiety & brain fog
  • Low sex drive


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