We at Sculpt Wellness are tremendously excited and proud to announce that we have won the Tri-Cities Regional Chamber of Commerce’s “Business on a Roll’ Award! Watch the video below for more information on the Business on a Roll Award:
What is Business on a Roll?
The Tri-City Chamber of Commerce presents the Business on a Roll Award to recognize regional chamber members whose businesses have achieved tremendous success over the past year. This award is split into three categories based on the size of the company: 1-10 employees, 11-50 employees, and over 50 employees. Sculpt fell into the 11-50 employee category.

Who is Sculpt Wellness?
We at Sculpt Wellness are a full-service wellness spa. As owner and founder of Sculpt Wellness, Lindsay Kirby, explains that Sculpt is a center that “serves anyone who wants to feel and experience feeling better.”
Initially, we were drawn to the gray area of health, that fickle area where a person may not need or want a prescription, but they don’t feel their best. Our innovative treatments, encouraging staff, and noninvasive technology help our clients get past that sticking point to create a better life for themselves without having to pop pills or spend hours going through agonizing training or treatments.
They achieve the desired results in a “smarter, not harder” method. Whether that means weight loss, body sculpting, pain relief, performance recovery, or increased energy, our clients find the right solution for their specific needs with us.
What does the Business on a Roll Award Mean to Us?
Achieving the Business on a Roll Award is a huge success and milestone for our business. Since the beginning, we have faced extensive challenges in getting this business off the ground. First, critics told us that the chance of succeeding in the Tri-Cities was slim; the residents would hold no interest in what we had to offer. We spent the first four years of our business developing through growing pains. Sculpt never had traditional investors or financial backing — it’s all been Lindsay, a nurse, and her husband, Chad, grinding to support the business.
Then, the pandemic struck! We had to spend money to prepare for clients, but the prospects of opening our doors depended on a virus far beyond our control. It was nerve-wracking, to say the least!
Yet, we were able to adapt and utilize our resources to the fullest. We brought on an incredible nurse practitioner, created a whole new division, devised new services, hired more staff, and took what felt like endless risks and sacrifices to make this dream a reality.
Much to our and everyone else’s surprise, we came out of COVID strong and ready to fight. We doubled and tripled revenue, employees, and clients from 2020-2021. Now, here we are performing over 800 treatments of cryotherapy a month.
Pre-COVID, our drive was the importance of staying healthy, building a robust immune system, and taking care of yourself. With COVID, the change in mindset in health and wellness flowed seamlessly with our goals, putting us in the perfect place to help our community. The recognition of this award means more to us than we can ever explain, and it encourages us to keep fighting for our clients, our community, and the path to a better future.
Watch the full Business on a Roll Award video.
Who Do We Want to Thank?
The Business on a Roll Award isn’t just a recognition of our company; it is in honor of every person who has been a part of the journey. We want to give a wholehearted thank you to our dedicated staff who have stood by our side through this process and to all the individuals who helped us get our business off the ground.
Most importantly, we want to thank you. Without our members’ continued support, we would never have made it this far. Your kindness and dedication to health and wellness are truly a blessing to all.
Choose a Healthier You with Sculpt Wellness

We at Sculpt Wellness want to invite motivated individuals who want to look and feel better to consider a membership with us. With a Sculpt membership, you receive unlimited access to our services, as well as a team of wellness practitioners to help you define your best self and guide you on the path to get there. We are perfect for people who:
- Have chronic pain and desire relief
- Are busy bodies & need the most results from their time
- Feel like they are not getting enough results
- Are tired of not sleeping well
- Whose aging has made it difficult to get the results you want
- Feel stuck with a weight or problem-spot
- Need help to stop and destress
Does any of those sound like you? If so, we are here to help you create a happier, healthier you. Contact Sculpt for a wellness appointment today.