experience the difference

Infrared Sauna

Infrared Saunas vs. Traditional: Sunlighten saunas use infrared heat instead of hot rocks or steam used in traditional saunas. Traditional saunas heat the air at extremely high temperatures which can make the experience unbearably hot and difficult to breathe. Because infrared heats the body directly instead of simply heating the air, infrared saunas are seven times more effective for detoxification. In a Sunlighten sauna, you will experience the deepest, most detoxifying sweat of your life.


The ultimate relaxation experience.

Enjoy all of the health and therapeutic benefits.

The therapeutic effects of infrared saunas come down to the electromagnetic radiation spectrum: Infrared radiation (IR) band covers the wavelength range of 750 nanometers to 100 micrometers, frequency range of 400 terahertz to three terahertz, and photon energy range of 12.4 milli-electron volts to 1.7 electron volts. What exactly does this mean? In the simplest terms, this results in infrared saunas causing heat and natural, positive radiation effects in the human body once it’s detected by the body’s thermoreceptors located in the skin.

​FIR light waves are capable of altering cells, cell membranes, DNA/proteins, and cell fluids, including and especially water molecules. At the cellular level, altered cell membranes and mitochondrial activity take place, which positively impacts the metabolism. FIR photons are absorbed by the bonds in the body’s molecules and the way that water functions within our cells are altered. FIR also has a “mesostructure” effect, where proteins within bodily tissues change in a way that’s important for overall biological activity.


Infrared lamps are capable of causing dramatic changes in body chemistry in some instances.

It helps restores balance in some people who suffer from chronic problems related to pains, inflammation, low energy, and poor circulation.

Infrared sauna treatments cause reactions in the body, including:

  • ​Increased sweating (some people even report heavy or "vigorous sweating”)

  • Increased heart rate

  • The same type of clarity-of-mind feelings as moderate exercise

  • Relaxation responses triggered by the body’s parasympathetic nervous system

  • Burn up to 600 calories

  • Pain relief

  • Detoxification


Sauna FAQ's

Two adults can comfortably fit in our sauna.

The core body temperature of children rises much faster than adults. This occurs due to a higher metabolic rate per body mass, limited circulatory adaptation to increased cardiac demands, and the inability to regulate body temperature by sweating. When using your sauna with a child, operate at a lower temperature and for no more than 15 minutes at a time. A general rule of thumb is 1 minute inside your sauna per year of age for the child but always accompanied by an adult. And remember to keep you and your children hydrated, even if you don’t see them sweating.

Please consult with your physician, as this answer is usually yes, but maybe no depending upon your specific circumstances.

You can go nude if you would like, we provide an antimicrobial bench and clean towels to absorb your sweat. Men typically wear workout or swim trunks; women typically wear workout shorts and a tank top or sports bra.

It is completely up to you and your lifestyle. There is no data showing more of a benefit in the morning or evening.

Most people partake in a 30-45 minute session, 3 -4 times a week, but it is safe to use every day and at whatever heat suits you best.

All of our health benefits have been either clinically shown on our heaters or are based on studies of infrared wavelengths that we precisely mimic in our heaters. Sunlighten saunas are proven up to 99% effective at emitting the highest quality and quantity of infrared heat required for delivering a full range of health benefits.


A Sunlighten sauna generates a sweat 7x more detoxifying than a traditional sauna


Our saunas have been designed to encourage the purest form of relaxation and stress-reduction.

Weight Loss

Studies have shown a 30 minute infrared sauna session can burn up to 600 calories

Heart Health

Our Solocarbon® heaters have been clinically shown to reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure

Pain Relief

Researchers have found therapeutic benefits to back, neck and arthritis pain from continuous use of infrared heat therapy


The skin’s appearance improves as pores open from the deeper sweat induced by our infrared therapy

Cell Health/Immunity (full spectrum)

Stay healthy with the natural preventative properties of our exclusive LED near infrared heating technology, which aids in cell health, muscle recovery and overall immunity defense.

Wound Healing (full spectrum)

Our advanced LED near infrared technology has the unique ability to heal wounds faster and minimalize scarring.

Learn more about the health benefits of Sunlighten saunas.

Metal pins, rods, artificial joints or any other surgical implants generally reflect infrared waves and thus are not heated by this system. Nevertheless, you should consult your physician prior to using an infrared sauna.

EMF (electric and magnetic fields) are waves of electric and magnetic energy radiating through space. High EMF levels are often associated with power lines.

EMF is everywhere in our homes and offices. The electrical appliances we use (an electric can opener at close range emits substantial EMFs), computers, monitors, keyboards and mice, wireless modems, cordless phones, clock radios, hair dryers, mobile phones, microwave ovens and more – all produce EMFs.

Although the current scientific evidence provides no definitive answers regarding EMF, there is enough uncertainty that some people want to reduce their exposure to EMF. For that reason, we have limited the levels of EMF from our heaters as much as possible.

If you are concerned at all about EMF, our Signature and Solo contain our Ultra Low EMF Solocarbon heaters. Our exclusive manufacturing process allows us to cancel out EMF to levels that are virtually undetectable.

Learn more

Infrared light (experienced as heat) is the invisible part of the sun’s spectrum with the ability to penetrate human tissue, giving a soothing, natural warmth. It is naturally occurring from the sun and is the basis for Sunlighten™ sauna therapy.

Sunlighten’s Solocarbon infrared technology is therapeutic because it is 95-99% efficient at heating the body directly rather than simply heating the air. It works to raise the core body temperature to produce a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level where the majority of toxins reside.

Infrared heat is completely safe and healthy for all living things. You can be exposed to infrared light for hours without the risk of burning. Infrared is a naturally occurring output of the sun but does not contain the harmful UV rays associated with unprotected sunlight. In fact, infrared heat is so safe, it is used in hospitals to warm newborn infants.

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